The Beloved Christmas Quilt Read online

  Luella’s Promise ©2017 by Wanda E. Brunstetter

  Karen’s Gift ©2017 by Jean Brunstetter

  Roseanna’s Groom ©2017 by Richelle Brunstetter

  Print ISBN 978-1-68322-225-5

  eBook Editions:

  Adobe Digital Edition (.epub) 978-1-68322-227-9

  Kindle and MobiPocket Edition (.prc) 978-1-68322-226-2

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted for commercial purposes, except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without written permission of the publisher.

  All scripture quotations are taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

  All German-Dutch words are taken from the Revised Pennsylvania German Dictionary found in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any similarity to actual people, organizations, and/or events is purely coincidental.

  For more information about Wanda E. Brunstetter, please access the author’s website at the following Internet address:

  Cover design: Buffy Cooper

  Cover photography: Richard Brunstetter III; RBIII Studios

  Published by Shiloh Run Press, an imprint of Barbour Publishing, Inc., P.O. Box 719, Uhrichsville, Ohio 44683,

  Our mission is to publish and distribute inspirational products offering exceptional value and biblical encouragement to the masses.

  Printed in Canada.


  Luella’s Promise

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14


  Karen’s Gift

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12


  Roseanna’s Groom

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14



  Bird-in-Hand, Pennsylvania

  Luella Ebersol had never been lazy, but this morning it was all she could do to push the covers aside and pull herself out of bed. She’d put in long hours yesterday, taking care of Atlee Zook’s wife, Dena, and their son, Daryl. When Dena’s health declined a few months ago, Luella had been hired as her caregiver while Atlee was at work in his shop or had to be away from home for other reasons. Atlee usually stayed home from their biweekly church services on Sundays, so Luella could go with her family, but sometimes she sat with Dena, allowing Atlee to attend the service.

  It was not easy leaving the warm confines of her blankets this morning, and Luella cringed when her bare feet touched the cold wooden floor. The late November weather had turned chilly, and snow was in the forecast. The dull light coming into her room was an indication of how dreary it was outdoors. The Indian-summer days of autumn were gone, and she already missed having the windows open at night. “I’ll never complain about hot summer days again,” Luella mumbled as she slipped into her robe and fuzzy slippers.

  Quickly making the bed, she shivered, guiding her hands over the sheets and covers to smooth them out. Mama was probably downstairs scurrying around the kitchen; which prompted Luella to close her eyes and inhale deeply. Tantalizing aromas drifting up from the kitchen made her stomach gurgle in protest.

  Walking over to the window, Luella ran her fingers down the moisture on the glass. Looking toward the barn, she saw the door was open. Dad had most likely been there awhile, getting his morning chores done.

  Forcing herself away from the view, Luella needed to hurry and dress so she could help get breakfast on the table. Surely, her full-of-energy, twelve-year-old sister, Sara, would already be there. Luella and Sara were ten years apart, so with the exception of their easygoing personalities, they had little in common. Sara liked to be outdoors with the animals, whereas Luella enjoyed indoor things like embroidery work, reading, and cooking. One of her favorite things to make this time of year was apple butter bars. She’d baked a batch of them last night to take over to the Zooks’ this morning.

  “And I’d better get dressed or I’ll never get there.” Luella washed her face and hands with water from the basin on her dresser then chose a plain, dark blue dress to wear. Once she’d gotten dressed and put on her shoes, she secured her hair in a bun and put her heart-shaped white head covering on.

  Downstairs in the kitchen, the first thing she did was slip her black apron on. “What’s for friehschtick, and what can I do to help you?” she asked her mother.

  Mom turned from where she stood at the stove. “Thought we’d have pannekuche for our breakfast this morning.”

  Luella grinned. “Pancakes sound good to me. Shall I mix up the batter?”

  “Already done.” Mom stepped aside and pointed to the griddle on the stove, where bubbles formed on the surface of four nice-sized pancakes. “Sara set the table, and now she’s outside helping your daed in the barn.”

  Luella’s brows furrowed. “How come Samuel’s not helping Dad feed the animals? Did my little bruder sleep in this morning?”

  “Your brother came down with the flu during the night. He’s resting in bed.”

  “I’m sorry to hear it. Sure hope he feels better soon and no one else gets it.” Luella especially didn’t want to get sick. It would mean not being able to take care of Dena, and Luella certainly didn’t want her dear friend to get the flu. It was bad enough Dena’s heart was failing. Atlee’s wife was pure sweetness, and although her heart had weakened, she never complained. According to what the doctor had told Atlee, Dena would not live to see their young son become a man.

  “Daughter, did you hear what I said?” Mom tapped Luella’s shoulder, halting her contemplations.

  Luella turned around. “Ach. Sorry, Mom. I was deep in thought.”

  Mom gave a nod. “It looked as if you were.”

  “What did you say to me?”

  “I asked what time you need to be at the Zooks’.”

  Luella glanced at the battery-operated clock. “I should leave within the hour.”

  “Then we’d best eat soon. Why don’t you run out to the barn and tell your daed and schweschder to stop what they’re doing and come in for breakfast? If they’re not done, they can finish up when the meal is over.”

  “Okay, Mom.” Luella pulled her woolen shawl from the wall peg and slipped out the back door.

  Pulling the shawl tighter around her shoulders as she approached the barn, Luella heard Dad whistling. He always made music when he fed the livestock. Luella felt blessed to have such a cheerful father. For that matter, both of her parents had positive attitudes, even when faced with trials. Luella hoped someday, when she was married and had children, that she could set a good example for them as well.

  Upon entering the barn, Luella spotted her sister down on her knees, petting one of the barn cats.

  Luella cleared her throat real loud and, with a jerk of her head, Sara looked up. “You shouldn’t sneak up on a person like that. Almost gave me a hatzschlack.”

  Hearing her sister say “heart attack” caused Luella to think about poor Dena again. Ever since she had begun working for Atlee, she thought about him and his wife’s situation. How sad it would be to marry someone and then a few years later learn they were gravely ill.

  In an effort to redirect her thoughts, Luella knelt beside Sara and reached out to stroke the cat. “I thought you were supposed to be helping Dad feed the animals.” She wagged her finger.

  Sara’s pale brows lowered, and she pushed a lock of silky blond hair back under the head scarf she wore to do chores. “For your information, I’ve already fed the katze and the hund, so now I’m just takin’ a little time to pet Cloud.”

  Luella snickered. Her sister loved animals and had named every one of their cats. This one she called Cloud because of its fluffy white fur. “Okay, Sara, I understand, but Mom sent me out here to fetch you and Dad so we could eat breakfast.”

  Sara rose to her feet. “Oh, good ’cause I’m hungerich.”

  Luella smiled. “You go ahead to the house, and I’ll get Dad.”

  “All right. See you up in the kitchen.” Her sister scampered out the door with Cloud following close behind.

  First, Luella paused to check on Buttercup, the Nubian goat her parents got for her sixteenth birthday. The floppy-eared goat came to the front of the stall and bleated, most likely hoping Luella would follow through with the normal ear scratching. “Don’t worry, I didn’t forget you, Buttercup.” Luella had to giggle when the goat leaned into her hand as she scratched behind its ears. “Why, I believe you are actually smiling.”

  After fussing with Buttercup, Luella followed Dad’s whistles to the back of the barn. She found him inside the stall of Mom’s buggy horse.

  Seemingly engrossed in his chore of spreading fresh straw, Dad didn’t notice her at first. It wasn’t easy running a farm, but somehow he put enjoyment behind the hardest of work. Even now, as her father followed his normal routine of freshening the stall, one would never know he’d been up before daybreak, putting in a few hours before breakfast.

  She stood watching him a few seconds longer, until he paused to wipe his forehead. “Ach, Luella! I didn’t hear you come in. How long have you been standing there?”

  “Not long at all. I’ve enjoyed the tune you’ve been whistling, while watching you work.” With tender emotions, she looked at her dad. “You know what I always say, Dad. ‘Keep your happiness in circulation.’”

  He grinned, giving his full dark beard a tug. “You know me… always singin’ or whistlin’ when I have chores to do.”

  She nodded. “The reason I came out is to tell you breakfast is about ready. Since I have to leave for the Zooks’ house soon, Mom said I should call you in to eat.”

  He gestured to the pile of straw yet to be spread. “I still have a little more work here.”

  “I know, but Mom thought you could finish up after breakfast.”

  He reached under his straw hat and scratched his head. “Jah, I suppose I could do that all right. Who knows, I might be able to work a lot harder once my belly is full.” Dad winked at Luella. “Agreed?”

  She grinned up at him. “Jah, Dad, I agree. But ya better not eat too much, or it’ll make you sleepy.”

  “I’ve never looked at it that way,” her father said with a chuckle, as he put his arm around Luella’s shoulder and they walked out of the barn together.

  “How is Dena doing today?” Luella asked when Atlee let her into his house.

  “Not well.” Atlee slowly shook his head, glancing toward their bedroom, which was on the first floor. “She didn’t sleep well last night, so I insisted she stay in bed this morning and rest.” He reached up to rub his neck. The poor man’s somber expression said it all; he was worried about his wife.

  Luella wanted to offer him comfort but wasn’t sure how. She certainly couldn’t give Atlee a hug, like she did whenever Dad was troubled about something. That would be inappropriate. “I’m sorry, Atlee. I’ll keep Daryl entertained today and make sure Dena’s needs are met.”

  His shoulders drooped, and he rubbed the heel of his palm against his chest. Luella saw only sadness in Atlee’s brown eyes. His thick, dark brows, matching the color of his hair and beard, pulled downward. He looked so defeated. “According to the doctor, short of a miracle, my fraa doesn’t have long to live.”

  Luella’s heart went out to him. Although Atlee tried to stay strong for his wife and son, she could see the stress was wearing on him. Dark circles under his eyes suggested he’d gotten very little sleep last night. She’d been praying and praying for Dena, but the dear woman seemed to be getting weaker every day. How would Atlee cope when she was gone? How would their son manage without a mother? At times such as now, Luella couldn’t help but question God. Why did He call some people home in the prime of their life, while others got to live to a ripe old age? It didn’t seem fair, but it wasn’t her place to question God. As their bishop had said in a sermon lately, “God’s ways are not our ways, and He has a plan for every one of His people, even if we can’t see or understand it.”

  Luella tilted her head toward the stairs but heard no noise coming from up there. The Zooks’ house was a large two-story, with one bedroom down, and the other four bedrooms on the second floor. “Is Daryl still in bed?” she asked, feeling the need to talk about something else—something that didn’t speak of death.

  “Jah.” Atlee ambled over to the woodstove and picked up the coffeepot. “Would you like a cup of kaffi, Luella?”

  “No, thank you. I’ll fix you some friehschtick, though.”

  He shook his head. “I’ve already had breakfast.”

  Luella glanced at the table, where only Atlee’s empty cup set. No sign of any plates having been out, nor was there a frying pan or kettle on the stove. “What did you have?”

  “I ate a piece of that tasty shoofly pie you made yesterday, to go with my coffee.”

  “I see.” She glanced at the kitchen sink, but it was empty.

  As if he could read her thoughts, Atlee quickly said, “I didn’t use a deller. I put the pie on a napkin and ate it with my fingers.” He held up his hand and wiggled his fingers. “It got kind of sticky, but that’s what soap and wasser are for.”

  She resisted the urge to laugh, certain that he didn’t mean it to be funny. Truthfully, the only time Luella saw Atlee laugh, or even smile, was when he took time out from his job to play with his son. Atlee had a woodworking shop in a separate building on his property, where he made doghouses, birdhouses, picnic tables, lawn chairs, and some small storage sheds. He did most of the work himself, but one of the young Amish men in the area came to help when Atlee had too many orders to fill. At noontime and at least once more during the day, Atlee came into the house to check on Dena and spend a little time with Daryl. If Luella had learned one thing about Atlee since she’d been working for him, it was that he was a devoted husband and father. She hoped to find a man someday who would be equally devoted to her. For now, though, her only goal in life was to be a good caregiver for Dena and see that Daryl had everything he needed. That’s what Atlee had hired her for, and she wouldn’t let him down.


  Luella took a seat in the chair beside Dena’s bed, while Daryl played with his wooden horse on the floor nearby. Luella had brought the boy into the bedroom with her, partly so she could keep an eye on him and also to give Dena a chance to be with her son.

  “You don’t have to sit here with me.” Dena’s brown eyes closed then fluttered open. It was an obvious struggle for her to stay awake. “I’m sure you have other things to do.”

  Luella shook her head. “The lunch dishes are done, and the laundry is hanging on the line outside,
so there isn’t much I need to do till it’s time to bring the clothes in and start supper.” She touched Dena’s pale hand. “Besides, I enjoy talking with you. But if you’re too tired to visit, I can come back later to check on you and see if there’s anything you need.”

  “What I need is to get up and do something meaningful. I don’t know why Atlee insisted I stay in bed all day.” Dena released a lingering sigh. “I feel so useless.”

  “Would you like me to bring your basket of yarn so you can sit up in bed and knit or crochet?”

  “I suppose I could do that, but it’s not the same as cooking for my family, cleaning house, or going for a walk with my precious little bu.” When Dena turned her head to look at Daryl, tears gathered in the corner of her eyes. “I’m missing so much not being able to care for him like I should, and…” Her voice lowered. “It breaks my heart to think that I won’t be around to see him start school.”

  Luella gently squeezed her friend’s fingers. “Please don’t talk like that, Dena. You must not give up hope.”

  Dena lifted a shaky hand to push a wisp of auburn hair away from her colorless cheek. “My hope lies in Jesus, but I have to face reality. My heart’s not getting any stronger, and it’s only a matter of time until…” Her voice trailed off as several tears seeped out from under her lashes. “There’s so much I want to tell you, Luella, but I can barely keep my eyes open. We can talk later. But for now, why don’t you take Daryl outside to play while I take a nap?”

  Luella nodded. “I can do that. Is there anything I can do or get for you before we head outdoors?”

  “No, I’m fine. I just need to sleep for a while.”

  Luella patted Dena’s arm then tucked the lovely quilt covering her bed up under her chin. “I’ll be in to check on you after we come back inside.”

  “Danki.” Dena closed her eyes.

  Luella continued to sit a few more minutes, until she was sure Dena had fallen asleep. Then she left her chair, took Daryl’s hand, and led him silently from the room.

  “Why can’t Mammi come outside with us?” Daryl’s innocence tugged at Luella’s heart.